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October Update

Oct 26

Written by: - Oliver Walling
10/26/2012 1:57 PM  RssIcon

Koerner & Koerner, P.A. is the creator of www.NJFireDistricts.org and individual fire district sites.  In October we finished inputing the names of all the fire distrcits in New Jersey.  If there was a web site address on the Office of the State Comptroller's list, we included it.  At www.NJFireDistricts.org you can access any fire district that has registered its web site.  We noticed during this process that a vast majority of fire district have not complied with the law to maintain a web site.  Compliance is mandated by February 1, 2013.  Koerner & Koerner, P.A. is available to help make you web site compliant.


October is the month that budget workshops should be in full swing.  The 2013 Budget forms are not available as of this date.  DCA has said that they anticipate having the forms available by November 1st.  Introduce your 2013 Budget at your November Board meeting to avoid the last minute crush.  You should have your CNC-3 from the tax assessor by now.

We are available to assist you with your 2013 Budget preparations.


Auditors are not permitted to do any accounting for you.  If they do, they are not independent and you end up with a deficient audit.  Koerner & Koerner, P.A. does not audit fire districts.  I have performed over 200 fire district audits in my career.  Now I do consulting and accounting for fire districts.  I am your liason to your auditor.  There will be changes to your 2012 audit.  The auditor may refer to the "Clarity Project".  More regulations, but we are available to help.


There are also more changes pending in the State Legislature.  You can expect a strengthening of the Sushine Laws that will have a direct impact on all fire districts.  Keep informed and maintain compliance with all these regulations.  The Office of the State Comptroller is looking over your shoulder.


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Categories: Fire Districts

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