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2012 New Jersey State Association of Fire Districts Annual Meeting

Sep 17

Written by: - Oliver Walling
9/17/2012 11:50 AM  RssIcon

Those attending the Annual Meeting got to meet the new Deputy Director of DCA Local Government Services, Gerald Seneski.  Mr. Seneski spoke briefly on issues affecting fire districts today and the near future.  Mr. Seneski expects that there will be very little change in the 2013 Budget format.  There will be changes to the 2014 Budget though.


Sh-Keer Evans, Auditor, DCA Local Government Services, gave a presentation before Mr. Seneski's.  Ms. Evans discussed the new budget amendment process for unbudgeted grant revenues, the contents required to be posted on the distrcit's website, and issues related to the preparation of the 2013 Budget.  She also stressed the importance of timely submission of the election results and the current audited financial report.


The Commissioners were also addressed by Joe Georgio from VFIS, William Kramer the Acting Director of the Division of Fire Safety, and Lynn Nowak who is the Association's lobbyist.  Ms. Nowak spoke of the bills from the past session and those bills currently in existence in the current session.


Copies of the 2013 Budget Calendar and Ms. Evans' handout are available at www.NJFireDistricts.org in the Downloadable Documents section.

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